An end of the wedding night portrait of a beautiful bride and her handsome husband. It was rather dark in this spot. Great background but uninspiring light. So I used a speedlight and small softbox off to camera right to give some definition and light to the couples faces. This also allowed an f/5.6 aperture which shows off the wall and background. The shutter speed and ISO were set to give a reasonable exposure to the background and the flash provided fill light for the couple.
The hardest part of bride photography is the white dress. So much white in the frame causes the camera to underexpose and make the dress gray. Remember, the world is gray (18% gray) so your camera’s light meter will under expose white to make it gray. So why is the dress “silver” and not white? Well, I like it more silver so I adjusted the exposure in post to make it silver! The original color picture had a white dress – I assure you!
Canon EF 50mm f/1.4 lens | Canon 7d Camera | 1/50s at f/5.6