A moonrise sail on Lake Winnebago. Yes, look closely and you will see the little sailboats out on the lake. I love living in the Fox Valley especially in Neenah. Lake Winnebago is so beautiful. Well, maybe not so much in late August when the blue algae takes over. But the rest of the year is just wonderful.

Soon the ice will come off the lake after a brutal Winter. Hopefully I will get some nice ice pictures.

The picture above is a little old and was taken using Canon’s lowest cost 50mm lens – the EF 50mm f/1.8 or Nifty Fifty. Interesting for a landscape I used the lens wide open at f/1.8. This is the lowest sharpness and least depth of field. So why f/1.8? Because it was getting dark and I needed the light gathering ability of the f/1.8. The shutter speed here was only 0.3 seconds and somehow I managed to get it sharp handheld.

Canon EF 50mm f/1.8 | 0.3 sec at f/1.8

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