First off, I am a little older than 50. But I think the blog title is right on because I date myself from the age of attainment of social awareness. I do have some earlier memories but these are just fragments. There are things I truly remember and that have impacted my views in the world – going to school in the dark during the first oil embargo, the end of the Vietnam war, American Graffiti!

But what I remember the most is so many things in the world made little to no sense. It seemed like the people around me never took the time to think. My teachers at school repeated things that did not make sense. People treated each other horribly and I could not understand why.

So really, 50 or more years of life have been spent trying to make sense of the world. Or to be more exact – 50 years of trying to make sense of people!

So here are my random thoughts on people and how they react to the world and how they think. Of course, I am not totally sure I understand myself – but I will keep on trying!

To be continued!

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