The fun of being a photographer is found is spending time with wonderful and talented people. I had the opportunity to again photography the St. Timothy Lutheran Church Players for their annual production. This year they are doing a wonderful version of the musical Jesus Christ Superstar.

The play is running in March 2019, in Menasha, Wisconsin, and I highly recommend you attend! More information can be found hereI used three lenses for the production – 70-200 f/2.8, 100-400 f/4 and my amazing Canon 50mm f/1.2. The f/1.2 really shines in this type of setting as the light levels are really low! The shot above was taken at f/2.8 and ISO 12,800. Yes, 12,800! Just amazing the colors and detail at these extreme settings!

Look for more Superstar pictures in posts to come!

You can also see a full gallery of all my pictures at Jesus Christ Superstar.

Canon 50mm f/1.2L | Canon 5d mkIV | 1/125 sec at f/2.8

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