“The Girl at the Corner” is a short story by Bruce J. Kokko. I did some book covers for a short while and this is a cover for a short story. I am actually really happy with the cover and it fits the story really well. This story is not in print anymore. But you can download Bruce’s book “A Final Word on Love” at Amazon.com for only $0.99!

This cover was shot with my trusty nifty fifty Canon EF 50mm f/1.8. Can you guess the aperture? Let’s see, very shallow dept of field and a great background blur.. Did you guess f/1.8? That would be wrong! The shot was taken at f/2.5. So why f/2.5? It is because the depth of field was too shallow at f/1.8. I wanted the whole ash tray and cigarette to be in focus. F/2.5 provides the proper depth of field in the foreground while getting a nice blur in the background.

I also though the background was too blurry at f/1.8. It was hard making out my models (the girl and the cat, of course) wide open.

Canon EF 50mm f/1.8 | Canon 7d | 1/60 sec at f/2.5

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