So You Are A Star

"So You Are a Star" is an old Hudson Brothers song that pops into my head when I see this photo. 50mm prime lenses excel at star pictures because they gather a lot of light and they usually have very low coma. Coma happens when light going through the edges…


Let’s Be Friends – 50mm Portrait Keys

Let's be friends! The best pictures tell stories. One look and you mind starts asking questions - who is she? What is she thinking? What does she want? You cannot really pose a picture like this. At least most of the time. You have to be ready to catch the…


4th of July Light Parade

The 4th of July light parade in Neenah, Wisconsin, is always a treat! Brightly lit floats go by and lots of candy if you are a kid. This photo was captured by "dragging" the shutter and firing a flash at the end of the shot. I used a relative low…


Ahead of me

So much going on behind those eyes... the world is ahead of her and the only limitation is her imagination. Just a quick portrait sometimes captures the best expressions. A hint of a smile and we wonder what she is thinking about. Canon Rebel XSi |Canon EF 50mm f/1.8 |…


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