Low Light Decorations

Low Light. Just about any camera or lens combination will produce a good picture in bright sunlight. But what about low light? That is where the combination of a good camera body and a large aperture lens is the best choice. Three ways to increase the light, OK - maybe…


Snowy Night – Why I Love 50mm

Model A and I spent a few FREEZING hours in the snow one evening in December last. The photos show why I love 50mm lenses so much! The picture above was taken with only ambient light - the Christmas lights in the little tree next to her. I stopped down…


Snow Girl

I don't know if she was offering me a snowball or showing me her creation. I do know she is amazingly cute! This photo was taken on a cloudy and fairly dark day. This is where a wide aperture 50mm lens is perfect. It gathers so much light that the…


Transmission Oil Only

"Transmission oil only" the plate reads. I spotted this old piece of machinery somewhere in Central Oregon on my most recent visit. I am not really sure what the machine was used for but probably some sort of pulling or lifting machine. You can tell it is old by 1)…


Racine Street Bridge

Under the Racine Street Bridge is one of my favorite spots for photography. The bridge connects Doty Island and Menasha, Wisconsin. There is a rumor that the bridge will be demolished and replaced this summer. Things change and maybe the new bridge will be better... Another black and white film…


Black & White Film

I sometimes shoot black & white film. The shot above is from a coffee shop in Appleton, Wisconsin. Do not get the impression that I am a "throw back" photographer who thinks the old ways are better. No, I love digital photography and will never give up my digital cameras.…



Art is all around us - we just have to open our eyes! Key West, Florida, is a tourist destination for a lot of reasons. Foremost is the weather. It is just beautiful. I think second is the scenery. The beautiful beaches but also the city itself. I took this…


George Washington – National Cathedral

George Washington at the National Cathedral in Washington DC. This is a photo I really love. The light and colors are just wonderful. The framing is really nice too. I don't know if this was just luck or maybe there was some skill involved! Canon 50mm f/1.4 | 1/100 sec…


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