Rocks and snow on the shore of Lake Winnebago, Neenah Wisconsin

Rocks and Snow on the shore of Lake Winnebago, Neenah, Wisconsin. This image is cropped out of a 50mm frame. So maybe this is cheating a bit because it is not really a 50mm image. Well, my website = my rules!

Beauty is where you find it. I think you can rind something beautiful everywhere you look, if you look. Adult people have traveled so many miles that they don’t really see the world around them. We all develop mental models to make the world make sense without thinking about it. This is a survival mechanism, a necessary one. When danger approaches reaction time is critical. You cannot think about that dark shape – your mind fills in TIGER and you jump. If it is a tiger you get away; if it is a bush you just feel stupid.

Children have the ability to “see” things as they are. They have not developed filters, no mental models to change what they see. A good photographer sees what is in front of them. They see things as they are.

I try…

Canon EF 50mm f/1.4 | Canon 5dmkIII | 1/500sec at f/3.2

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